Do these measures in the bathroom and sink, cockroaches will run away and any kind of insects will not come.

Get Rid Of Centipedes: During the rainy season, centipedes are often seen under the toilet, bathroom or kitchen sink of homes. Removing which is a challenging task for everyone. If you too are tired of trying every method to get rid of it in your home, then you can adopt some home remedies. With the help of which not only centipedes but also cockroaches or earthworms etc. can be driven away. Let's find out. About these home remedies-

use of salt

According to experts, if you are afraid of centipedes and are looking for ways to drive them away, then you can pour salt on the drainage hole of the bathroom and leave it. Let us tell you, this is such a thing that centipedes start getting jealous as soon as it comes in contact with it. In such a situation, they may be barred from entry.

use of bay leaves

If centipedes are seen repeatedly in your house, then you can get rid of them naturally by using bay leaves.

For your information, bay leaf works like a natural insecticide. With this you can drive away not only centipedes but also all types of insects from your house.

Place 5-6 bay leaves at the place in the house where centipedes are seen more. They will stay away from its smell. If you want, you can also make its powder and sprinkle it in your house.

Refined oil is very effective

You can also use refined oil to drive away centipedes. With this you have to mix some rum and then mix it with some water and apply it on the corners and sinks of the bathroom.

Drive away centipedes with neem leaves

Let us tell you, you can also drive away centipedes from your house by using neem leaves. Neem leaves also work as an insecticide. Buy neem oil from the market, mix it in water and spray it everywhere. If you want, make a paste of the leaves, mix them in water and sprinkle them like a spray.

use lime

If the centipede is refusing to leave your bathroom or sink, you can also use lime to drive it away. First of all you have to mix it in water and then fill it in a spray bottle and sprinkle it around the sink and bathroom drain. Centipedes will start dying as soon as they come in contact with it.

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