Why is worship of Lord Ganesha necessary for every auspicious work?: Lord Ganesh Astro

Lord Ganesh Astro: Worship of Gods and Goddesses has special importance in Hindu religious scriptures, and among these, Lord Ganesha is considered the first worshipable one. According to religious belief, it is necessary to invoke Lord Ganesha before starting any work, so that all the work can be completed smoothly and successfully. But do you know what is the reason for worshiping Lord Ganesha first? There is a mythological story hidden behind it.

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Once upon a time, a dispute arose among all the gods and goddesses as to who should be worshiped first. In this competition, each god started claiming himself to be supreme, due to which the situation became tense. Narad ji decided to resolve this dispute and advised everyone to go to Lord Shiva and seek his solution. On this advice of Narad ji, all the gods and goddesses gathered at the feet of Lord Shiva, so that the right solution to this dispute could be found.

When all the gods and goddesses told their views to Lord Shiva, he organized a competition to resolve the dispute. Lord Shiva ordered all the gods to go around the universe through their respective vehicles. The rule of the competition was that whichever god would be the first to return after circling the universe, he would be worshiped on earth first. This challenge was important to everyone, as its outcome would decide which deity would receive the highest honor.

Hearing the competition of Lord Shiva, all the gods and goddesses set out with their respective vehicles to circumambulate the universe. But Ganesh ji, whose vehicle was a rat, started thinking about this situation. The rat was a small and slow creature, which made Ganesh ji feel that he would be left behind in the competition. Then he took a wise decision—instead of revolving around the universe, he revolved around his parents, Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati, seven times. In this way, Lord Ganesha showed that worshiping parents with true respect and love is supreme.

When all the gods and goddesses returned after doing their parikrama, they saw that Lord Ganesha was already present there. Everyone was surprised to see Lord Ganesha as to how he came first despite riding a rat. Lord Shiva declared him the winner of the competition and told that parents are given the highest position in the universe. That is why instead of revolving around the universe, Lord Ganesha revolved around his parents.

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