Why sago is best during fasting, know its scientific reason, how is it beneficial for health


Sabudana Benefits: Shardiya Navratri, the great festival of Adi Shakti Maa Durga, is going to come soon. During this period many people keep a fast for 9 days. During the fast, they prefer to eat buckwheat flour and sago instead of wheat flour. Although, there are many dishes to be eaten during the fast, but one of them is tikki made from sago, kheer and sago khichdi which is eaten a lot during the fast.

Because sago is rich in fiber. And after eating it one does not feel hungry for a long time. But do you know about some amazing benefits of including sago in fasting? If not, let's find out-

Boost energy level

According to health experts, if you want to boost your energy level then you can include sago in breakfast. This can prove to be a good option to keep yourself active throughout the day. It is also advised to consume sago to get rid of stomach related problems. Protein rich sago can also prove to be very helpful in developing your muscles.

removes anemia

For your information, eating sago does not cause anemia. Sabudana contains a lot of iron, hence it removes anemia in your body. The iron present in sago helps in increasing red blood cells in the body. In such a situation, consuming it is very beneficial for health.

Beneficial for brain health

Along with improving your physical health, sago can also improve your mental health to a great extent. Apart from this, high blood pressure patients are also advised to consume sago. If you also want to keep yourself healthy, then you should start eating sago every day within limits.

improves digestion

Digestive problems are common these days. Sabudana can help you in getting rid of this. This makes it easier to digest. It also makes the process of bowel movement easier. People who have constipation problem must include sago in their diet. This also promotes intestinal health.

Beneficial for BP patients

At present, the problem of high BP is becoming common. To normalize BP level, people take the help of many home remedies and medicines. In such a situation, sago can prove beneficial for you. This can help to a great extent in controlling your blood pressure.

beneficial for bones

Nutrient-rich sago helps in strengthening bones. Calcium and magnesium are found in abundance in these small grains, which keep your bones healthy. If you eat dishes made from sago daily or eat it with milk, the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis can be reduced.

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