Yogi roared in Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections, terrorism is taking its last breaths, stone pelters have disappeared

Jammu : Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath started campaigning for Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections from Thursday. Yogi Adityanath nominated candidates Devindra Kumar Maniyal from Ramgarh, Chandraprakash Ganga from Vijaypur, Surjeet Singh from Samba, Dr. Narinder Singh Raina from RS Pura, Prof. from Suchetgarh. Gharuram Bhagat appealed to Bishnah to make BJP candidate Rajiv Bhagat win. BJP state president Ravindra Raina was also present along with CM Yogi at the RS Pura rally. Due to bad weather, Yogi Adityanath sent a message through mobile and appealed to Chhamb to feed lotus for BJP candidate Rajeev Sharma. Yogi Adityanath said that BJP is necessary for development and security in Jammu and Kashmir also. With the return of BJP, PoK is going to become a part of India.

Pakistan is cancer of humanity

CM Yogi said in the public meeting organized in Ramgarh assembly constituency that upon the return of BJP here, PoK is going to become a part of India. Pakistan has to struggle hard to save democracy. Pakistan Occupied Kashmir is raising its voice for separation. People are saying that if there were elections in Muzaffarabad along with the elections in Jammu and Kashmir, a good message would have been sent. Balochistan is saying that we do not have chemistry with Pakistan because it is a cancer of humanity and the world should get rid of it.

Beggars are in need of food in Pakistan

CM Yogi said that on one hand, 80 crore people in India are getting free ration, 60 crore people are getting health insurance of Rs 5 lakh per year, Jeevan Jyoti, Life Insurance Security Scheme, 12 crore people are getting Kisan Samman Nidhi, 10 crore poor people are getting the benefit of Rs. Toilet in the house of 10 crore poor people got the cylinder of Ujjwala scheme. In Jammu and Kashmir, three and a quarter lakh poor people got the benefit of PM Awas Yojana, while on the other hand, beggars in Pakistan are struggling for food.

The stone pelters disappeared

CM Yogi said that PM Modi fulfilled the dream of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee by removing Article 370. The nursery of terrorism is over. Congress, PDP and National Conference had made Jammu and Kashmir a warehouse of terrorism, but after Narendra Modi became the PM and Amit Shah became the Home Minister, terrorism is counting its last breath and the stone pelters have disappeared.

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Congress, PDP and NC committed sin in Jammu and Kashmir

Taking the names of Maharaja Hari Singh, Premnath Dora, Brigadier Rajendra Singh, CM Yogi said that these heroes had made Jammu and Kashmir a heaven on earth, but Congress, PDP and NC committed the sin of turning it into religious fanaticism. This election is an election to teach them a lesson. PM Modi got the Kartarpur Corridor constructed. Congress celebrated Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru's birthday as Children's Day, but PM Modi decided to celebrate Veer Bal Diwas on December 26 to keep alive the memories of the four Sahibzadas of Guru Gobind Singh. This event is also organized on this day in UP.

This is not a terrorism state, but a tourism state

CM Yogi said that you have seen the new Jammu and Kashmir of the new India. It has not become a terrorism state but an excellent tourism destination. During the rule of Congress, PDP and NC, one had to request for hoisting the tricolor here, but now the G-20 summit is held here. Earlier there used to be threats that the Amarnath Yatra would not be allowed to take place. People of these parties used to get scared after hearing this, but now the whole country and the world comes to see Baba Barfani and Maa Vaishno.

Congress, NC and PDP Private Limited Company

CM Yogi said that Congress, NC and PDP are private limited companies. In politics such companies should be closed. These people did not allow reservation to Dalits, Bakarwals and Paharis. No meaningful effort was made to connect the castes associated here with the mainstream. Those who came to India from Pakistan, whose property was snatched away in 1947, were not even given citizenship. When Modi-Shah made and effectively implemented the Citizenship Amendment Act, all these parties were opposing it. We have also seen the height of the sins of Congress, PDP and NC in the 1990s, when barbaric atrocities were committed against Kashmiri Pandits. Instead of expressing sympathy towards them, these groups stood with the terrorists. Only BJP stood with the suffering Kashmiri Pandits.

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BJP and PM Modi have become symbols of the country's aspirations.

CM Yogi said that Pandit Nehru had given the sting of Article 370. He asked whether the migration of Kashmir Pandits happened because of Congress and Nehru. CM Yogi said that now Vande Bharat train is becoming famous between Chenab Bridge, Zojila and Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Tunnel, Delhi-Katra. BJP and Modi are symbols of the aspirations of the country, Jammu and Kashmir.

Mafia in UP has gone to hell

CM Yogi said that Congress ruled the country for a long time, but did not allow the Ayodhya problem to be resolved. When the Indians formed the BJP government at the Center and UP under the leadership of PM Modi, the Ram temple was constructed in Ayodhya. A temple was also built there, but not even a single mosquito died. The mafia has gone to hell there, but not even a hair can spoil the common citizen. The names of Congress, PDP, NC are the problem and BJP is the solution. Congress has been fooling the public by making excuses. Congress has sown the seeds of division including terrorism, extremism, Naxalism, linguism, regionalism and casteism. Have committed the sin of weakening Hindus. When the Congress government at the Center and the governments of allies were in Jammu and Kashmir, incidents of stone pelting used to happen. These people had given the pistol in the hands of the tablet. NC, PDP Congress earlier used to roam around Europe and England for eight months in a year after looting the money here. BJP talks about support for all and development for all, but will not allow appeasement of anyone. BJP is the guarantee of security, good governance and development. Where there is BJP government, a new model of development is being seen. UP has also been established as a growth engine of development in the new India.

CM Yogi asked questions to Rahul Gandhi

CM Yogi asked Rahul Gandhi that National Conference has talked about a separate flag for Jammu and Kashmir, whether he supports it. Support NC's demand to push J&K into the era of unrest-terrorism by bringing back 370, 35A. Does Congress support promoting separatism by holding talks with Pakistan at the expense of the youth of Kashmir? Does Congress support the nurturing of cross border terrorism by NC's decision to start LOC trade with Pakistan? Does Congress support bringing about an era of terrorism, terror and bandh by including the families of people involved in stone pelting and separatism in government jobs? Congress along with NC is trying to bring forward the anti-reservation face. PM Modi has given reservation facility to Dalits, Gujjars, Bakarwals, Paharis, does Congress support the announcement by NC to end it. Does Congress want Shankaracharya Mountain, Takht-e-Sulaiman and Hari Mountain to be known as Koh-e-Maran? Does Congress support handing over the economy of Jammu and Kashmir to a select few supported by Pakistan by immersing it in corruption again? Congress supports NC's politics of discrimination between Jammu and Valley. Does Congress-Rahul Gandhi support NC's divisive policies of giving autonomy to Kashmir?

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