5 Zodiac Signs That Are The Universe’s Favorites On September 27, 2024

Five zodiac signs are the universe’s favorites on Friday, September 27, 2024, as they have the best horoscopes under the day’s astrological energy.

We have Pallas in Sagittarius standing out as the primary benefactor on this day. As an asteroid of strategy and the arts, it urges us to step out of our comfort zone and find inspiration in the wildest places and grandest adventures. It also reminds us that to teach is to learn twice, so know what you know and let it be your unique offering to the world.

Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra adds another layer to this message by revealing the importance of bringing disparate energies together to create a new and more fascinating whole or see all facets of a circumstance before working on solutions. The diversity in the world often reflects this message, so let your mind and her heart work together — all the puzzle pieces will come together when you do.

Finally, with the Moon in Leo here, we are urged to let our inner light shine! Be a creative visionary, unique, and authentic to find your tribe and wow the world in the process. It’s the little details that make you who you are.

Now let’s focus on the five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on September 27, 2024.

1. Virgo

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Best zodiac sign for Virgo to work with: Taurus & Capricorn

Best time of the day for Virgo: 8 a.m./p.m.

Virgo, the energy on Friday for you is all about tapping into your manifestation abilities and letting the cosmos be at your fingertips. That’s your gift of the day. So write out those intentions and start manifesting! A candle ritual or meditation can help.

You are also encouraged to eat good food on this day and allow that to be a high point or bringer of delight for you. Then watch as your heart aligns with the magic that’s here for you!

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2. Capricorn

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Best zodiac sign for Capricorn to work with: Other Capricorn

Best time of the day for Capricorn: 5 p.m.

Capricorn, the energy on Friday for you is deeply tied to your personal finances and wealth. For a lot of you, this blessing will directly come in the form of money. For others, it will be a lucrative opportunity or a chance to collaborate on something big. Whatever you choose, make sure your soul is in it. That’s how you will continue to keep this energy flowing positively for you.

If you feel called to, now’s also a great time to go dancing and just shake out those jitters from your system or get your body in sync with your instincts. It may take a few false starts, but once you stop censoring yourself or overthinking it, the moves will flow and so will the insights from your psyche.

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3. Aquarius

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Best zodiac sign for Aquarius to work with: Leo

Best time of the day for Aquarius: 3 – 4 p.m.

Love, lies, and everything in between await you on Friday, Aquarius. That sounds a bit ominous, but you are on the best horoscopes list, so this will most likely be some kind of popcorn-munching drama (maybe literally at the movies!) or a flash of inspiration so strong and vital, it will knock you off-kilter for a second (in a good way!).

You are also encouraged to dance energetically on this day for at least half an hour. But not as a form of exercise. If you let it be a form of personal expression, even if within the comfort of your bedroom, you will discover your blessings reveal themselves in astonishing ways.

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4. Cancer

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Best zodiac sign for Cancer to work with: Leo

Best time of the day for Cancer: 2 p.m.

Cancer, the energy for you on Friday is all about love, both platonic and romantic. So lean into those loving relationships and let them define your time and space. Something positive and beautiful will emerge from this.

You are also encouraged to do something interactive with your loved ones on this day. Whether it’s heading out to eat at a restaurant, dancing together just because, or playing board games. Sweet surprises await you here too!

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5. Scorpio

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Best zodiac sign for Scorpio to work with: Cancer

Best time of the day for Scorpio: 10 p.m.

Strength may lie in numbers, Scorpio, but it also lies within the individual. That’s your power message for Friday. You are more than capable of standing strong and independent. Don’t let the naysayers faze you. Not everyone will agree with your life, choices, or path, so focus on those who do align with that. You will discover your blessings along the way.

For some, this energy may bring an inheritance to your doorstep. But there will be some squabbles around it and bad blood. Don’t give up what’s yours, especially if it was a last gift and blessing from a dear one. Embrace it and watch the magic unfold.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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