You can improve your health with the help of these vitamins, know about them now


Latest News (Health Corner) :- Our food also contains many nutrients which we need for daily activities.

Vitamin-A –
Apart from healthy eyes, it is necessary for hair, skin, bones and teeth. It increases immunity.
By deficiency: Poor vision at night, dry skin and weak bones.
Source: Soya milk, dairy products, carrots, spinach, green peas, tomato juice, watermelon, beetroot etc.

Vitamin B-1
This vitamin works to convert carbohydrates into energy in the body. It normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and strengthens the digestive power.
By deficiency: Lack of concentration, loss of appetite, tiredness even after doing some work.
Source: Banana, beans, potatoes, beetroot, watermelon, whole grains.

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vitamin C –
Helpful in keeping body parts and tissues connected to each other.
By deficiency: Bleeding from gums, wounds not healing quickly.
Source: Citrus fruits, melon, tomato, potato, green chilli, green leafy vegetables.

vitamin D –
Helpful in absorbing calcium and increases the level of phosphorus in the body. Keeps bones strong and healthy.
By deficiency: Weak bones.
Source: Milk, sunshine, whole grains.

You can improve your health with the help of these vitamins, know about them now

Vitamin-E –
It works to make red blood cells in the body.
By deficiency: Stomach related diseases.
Source: Whole grains and pulses and dry fruits.

Vitamin K
The work of this vitamin is to prevent the formation of blood clots.
By deficiency: Nose bleeding, internal bleeding.
source : Green vegetables, soybean.

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