6 powerful things that bring blessings and positive energy in the house!

Lucky items for home: Everyone wants to live a happy life. For this, people take various measures. But, some such things have been mentioned in Vastu Shastra which if kept in the house brings blessings. You can also get relief from financial problems. Therefore, we need to pay special attention to the things used at home and in worship. Today we will tell you some things which will always maintain peace in your home. The blessings of Mother Lakshmi will also remain. of Unnao Astrologer Telling about these things-

Burning incense at home or in the temple is considered very auspicious.

According to the scriptures, the fragrance of incense increases the positive atmosphere in the house. As soon as the fragrance of incense spreads in the air, negative energy starts coming out of the house. If there is a lot of negativity in your house then start burning sandalwood incense, you will start seeing the difference within a few days.

Bamboo plant maintains peace and harmony in the house.

with this bamboo Apart from this, keeping a money plant in the house is also auspicious. Both these plants remove poverty from the house and also maintain the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi at home.

Horseshoes are widely used in villages.

You must have seen horseshoes hanging on the doors of almost all the houses in the village. According to the scriptures, horseshoe is a symbol of good luck and is considered auspicious for happiness and prosperity.

Shankha is found in most homes

But do you know that conch is not only used in worship, but its presence also maintains happiness and peace in the house. It is believed that by blowing the conch and using it in worship, Goddess Lakshmi resides in the house.

Use of peacock feathers is also auspicious to bring happiness and peace in the house.

Often people keep peacock feathers anywhere in the house, doing so can increase problems in the house. Therefore the best place to keep peacock feathers is the puja room.

Elephant is considered a symbol of power and intelligence.

Therefore, it is beneficial to keep an elephant idol in the house. Although any type of idol is auspicious, but if the idol of an elephant is small and white in color then it has a more positive effect.

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