Tiffin Recipe: Serve delicious protein-rich moong sandwich in children's lunch box.

Kids Lunch Box Ideas: If you want to serve tasty and healthy food to kids at school, make green moong dal sandwiches. Rich in proteins and carbohydrates, this recipe is also easy to make.

What to feed children in tiffin daily which is tasty as well as healthy and rich in protein? Every mother is worried about this, so make delicious green moong dal sandwich in the tiffin of your school going child. Which tastes amazing and will be rich in protein as well as other important nutrients. This sandwich is very easy to make in the morning rush. So check out this easy recipe to make Moong Sandwich.

Green Moong Sandwich Ingredients

one cup green moong dal

two spoons gram flour

salt to taste



turmeric powder

Pizza Masala



tomato sauce

desi ghee

Moong Sandwich Recipe

-First of all, soak one cup of moong in water overnight.

-Next morning wash the moong and grind it well without water.

-Now add salt and one to one and a half teaspoon gram flour to this ground moong dal.

– Also add cumin and asafoetida. Prepare a thick batter by adding water.

-Now heat a nonstick pan on gas, apply some ghee in it and spread the prepared moong paste on it like a pancake.

– After spreading it on the pan, press it on the sides with the help of a ladle so that it takes a square shape and the roti feels good to hold.

– Bake it from both the sides and also cook the roti on the pan.

-Now apply tomato sauce on the bread. Add grated cheese and sprinkle pizza masala on top.

-By placing it on the pan, the cheese will melt a little and place the prepared mug pancake on it.

-If the moong pancake is larger than the size of the bread, then cut it from the edge and make it similar to the size of the bread. So that the sandwich looks good. Tasty and healthy mug bread sandwich is ready. Children like to eat it with full enthusiasm.

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