Importance of Pind Daan: Why is rice offered to ancestors only?

Pitru Paksha 2024: In Sanatan Dharma, giving donations on the occasion of Pitru Paksha has special significance. It is said that if Pind Daan is performed properly in the name of ancestors, it gives the best results. Along with this, happiness and prosperity is also achieved. Donating Pind is considered very auspicious. It is believed that by offering Pind Daan, the souls of the ancestors are pleased and they attain salvation.

Why is Pind made from rice only?

Now in such a situation, special care is taken to every thing while performing Pind Daan. Just as Kush prasad is offered to the ancestors. Similarly, flour cakes are made for Pind Daan and rice cakes are made for ancestors. Why is it necessary to make Pinda only from rice at the time of donation during Pitru Paksha? Know about this in detail from Astrologer Pandit Arvind Tripathi.

What is the importance of making pinda from rice? (Importance of making pinda from rice)

Pind Daan has special significance during Pitru Paksha in Hindu religion. During this time, Pinda is made from rice and offered to the ancestors. Rice is considered a symbol of purity and sanctity. Therefore, rice is used to offer to the ancestors. Rice is an important part of nature and the basis of food. The message sent by the rice ball is that we express our gratitude to nature and want to pass on the blessings of nature to our ancestors.

In Hindu religion, donating food is considered an act of virtue. Making rice balls and offering them to ancestors is also a form of food donation.

rice related to moon

The body reaches the ancestors through the moon. Therefore, rice is considered best for making Pinda. Rice is also considered to provide happiness, peace and salvation. Therefore, there is a belief of special use of rice at the time of donation during Pitru Paksha. Not only this, by making rice balls and donating them, one never has to face financial problems.

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