Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan's spinal fluid started leaking due to the attack, know what happens, life could also be in danger

Shariful Islam Shehzad, the youth who attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, is currently in the custody of Mumbai Police. Young man Shariful had attacked Saif Ali Khan by entering his house and carrying out a fatal attack. The attacker attacked actor Saif Ali Khan several times with knives.

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A knife went into his spinal cord and broke it. Which was taken out after surgery. The doctor told that Saif Ali Khan's spinal fluid was leaking due to this attack. According to the doctor, this could have resulted in Saif Ali Khan's death or he could have gone into a coma.

In medical language it is called cerebrospinal fluid leak. In Hindi it is called cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebrospinal fluid is a colorless liquid. It is found between the brain and spinal cord in our body. Its main function is that it controls our brain and gives signals.

Apart from this, it is helpful in cleaning the central nervous system. When there is a hole in a membrane near the brain or spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid leaks. Due to this, clear fluid starts coming out of the body. Cranial CSF leaks occur in the brain and are associated with CSF rhinorrhea.

Cerebrospinal fluid exits through the nose. Tears in the tissues increase spinal CSF leakage. Sometimes it also starts leaking in case of head injury, spinal fracture, or tumor in the skull. Patients with hydrocephalus also have an increased risk of leakage.

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There is an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid. The most common symptoms of a spinal CSF leak are: Symptoms like stress, headache, brain injury, neck pain, pain between the shoulder bones or vomiting occur. Patients with cranial CSF leaks experience cognitive changes.

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