100% Increase In Income For Those Indians Who Settled Abroad

As per the World Bank report titled “Migrants, Refugees and Societies”the Indians who are migrating abroad experience significant income increases, averaging 118%.

Wage Gap Drives Migration: Indian Workers See 118% to 298% Income Boost Abroad, While Nigerian and Yemeni Migrants Experience Up to 1,500% Gains

This is in contrast to those who remain in the country and have to wait for over 20 years to attain similar wage growth. This wage gap between the origin as well as the destination countries primarily drives the migration. As per the reports, the low-skilled Indian workers who migrate to Gulf see a 118% income rise, whereas those in the UAE report a staggering 298% increase.

Notably, the high skilled workers too benefit from migration.

However, the low-skilled migrants from Nigeria and Yemen see even higher gains, up to 1,500%.

Key Factors Driving Indians to Stay Abroad: Career Opportunities, Quality of Life, and Cultural Integration

Below are some of the factors due to which Indians choose to stay abroad:

  1. Career Opportunities: As many as 59% of Indians migrate for career-related reasons, with many experiencing substantial income increases compared to their home country since the opportunity for better job prospects and professional growth is a major motivator in itself.
  2. Quality of Life: This factor is equally important if not more, the desire to find a better quality life. This includes improved work-life balance, healthcare, and living conditions and is particularly appealing for those seeking stability and comfort for their families.
  3. Educational Advantages: For Some Indians, educational reasons are behind the move. Those migrate for education and remain to live there to give better job placements and career advancement for their kids and give them a head start.
  4. Social Security and Support: The perception of better social security systems and support structures in host countries can influence the decision to stay, especially for those with families.
  5. Cultural Integration: Fostering a sense of belonging that encourages them to remain abroad, many of the Indian migrants find it easier to integrate into the culture and community.

Abovementioned are few of the factors due to which many Indians choose to stay outside the country and not return back to India.

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