'It makes a difference to us if we call someone a thief or corrupt, our skin is not that thick', Kejriwal expressed his pain in the court of the people, raised questions on BJP-RSS

New Delhi. Arvind Kejriwal addressed the people at the “Janta Ki Adalat” program organized by the Aam Aadmi Party at Jantar Mantar in Delhi. He said, “It was on April 4, 2011, when the anti-corruption Anna movement began. We were running the government honestly and providing facilities to the public. We made electricity, water free and free bus travel for women. We arranged free pilgrimage for the elderly and built hospitals, mohalla clinics and excellent schools.

After working honestly for 10 years, Narendra Modi has started to feel that to defeat us, he will have to attack our honesty. That is why he has leveled false allegations of corruption against us. Our ministers and leaders have been selectively sent to jail.” In his address, Kejriwal also mentioned his resignation from the post of Chief Minister of Delhi. He said, “I resigned because I am not hungry for the CM chair. I do not want to earn money.

Five questions asked from RSS

Kejriwal said, “RSS people say they are nationalists and patriots. I want to ask Mohan Bhagwat ji five questions with all due respect – the way Modi ji is breaking parties across the country, toppling governments, luring them or threatening them with ED and CBI, is it right? Modi ji has included the most corrupt leaders in his party, whom he himself called corrupt, do you agree with such politics? BJP was born from the womb of RSS, it is the responsibility of RSS to stop BJP from going astray, have you ever stopped Modi ji from doing wrong things? During the Lok Sabha elections, JP Nadda had said that he does not need RSS. Has the son grown so much that he has started expressing displeasure with his parent organization? When he said this, did you not feel sad? You have made a rule that leaders will retire after 75 years… Amit Shah is saying that this rule will not apply to Modi ji. The rule that applied to Advani ji, why will it not apply to Modi ji?”

What did he say about the allegations against him?

Along with this, Arvind Kejriwal also spoke openly about the allegations against him. He said, “The lawyers said that this case can go on for ten years. I cannot live with this stain. So I thought I will go to the court of the people. If I was dishonest, I would have committed a scam of three thousand crore rupees in electricity, would not have provided free fare to women, would not have built schools for children… They have government in 22 states, there is no free electricity anywhere, there is no free fare for women anywhere, then who is the thief… I want to ask you, is Kejriwal a thief or those people who sent Kejriwal to jail?”

These leaders have thick skin…

Further, Kejriwal said, “These leaders are thick-skinned, they are not bothered by the allegations, but I am, I am not a leader… I will leave the CM residence in a few days, I don’t even have my own house… I have earned only love in ten years, as a result of which I am getting calls from so many people inviting me to stay in their homes… After Shraadh, at the beginning of Navratri, I will leave home and come and stay at the home of one of you.”

The public will prove our honesty

Kejriwal also stressed on the honesty of his government. He said, “For the last ten years, we were running the government with honesty, we made electricity and water free for the people, made treatment free, made education excellent… Modi ji started feeling that if he has to defeat us, he will have to attack our honesty and then he hatched a conspiracy to prove Kejriwal, Sisodia and AAP dishonest and put every leader in jail.”

AAP MP Sandeep Pathak also targeted RSS

Meanwhile, AAP MP Sandeep Pathak also targeted the RSS, saying, “The RSS calls itself a nationalist organisation… so will it continue to support a party that is betraying the country? Everyone is giving Arvind Kejriwal a place to stay at their homes.”

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