When can the admit cards of CBSE 10th and 12th board exams be released?

New Delhi. CBSE 10th and 12th examinations are going to start from February 15. CBSE's 10th and 12th board exams will run till April 4. This year, about 44 lakh students will participate in the CBSE board examination. There are not much days left for the examination to start. In such a situation, the question must be gathering in the minds of the students when the admit card of 10th and 12th board examinations will be issued by CBSE. It is believed that CBSE will issue the admit card of board examinations in the last week of January or the first week of February. The admit cards of the students taking regular and private examinations will be able to get them differently.

Admit cards will be issued by CBSE on its portal cbse.gov.in. Students who are studying from regular schools, will get the admit card of CBSE exam from school itself. This admit card will be signed by a student or student's school principal. At the same time, students taking private examination will have to download their admit card from the above website of CBSE. The admit card will have necessary information like student name, roll number, examination center address. Private candidates will be able to download it from the link of the admit card in the CBSE website. Students going to take CBSE exam will have to take the admit card with every examination. If the admit card is not taken, then the students or students concerned will not be able to take the CBSE board examination.

Let us know that in the year 2023, CBSE issued the admit card for the 10th and 12th examinations on 8 February. Whereas, in 2024, the admit cards of CBSE board examination were issued on 5 February. Students should see properly as soon as they get the admit card, whether the information given in it is correct or not. If there is any kind of mistake, immediate regular students should contact their school management and private students CBSE. So that that mistake can be improved.

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