3 easy ways to avoid eye problems at the age of 30-40

As we age, many changes occur in our body, and eye-related problems also become common. Especially at the age of 30 to 40, some eye problems start appearing, about which it is important to be aware. If you take proper care of your eyes and get regular checkups done, these problems can be identified in time.

Common eye problems
1. Presbyopia
Presbyopia is a problem that begins with aging and especially affects people between the ages of 30 and 40. It occurs when the crystalline lens of the eye loses its flexibility, making it difficult to see things nearby. Due to this, there is difficulty in reading small print, it becomes difficult to look at books or the phone for a long time and after reading for a long time or working closely, the eyes start feeling strain.

2. Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a serious eye problem that can affect the optic nerve and adversely affect eyesight. This problem occurs due to increase in intracellular pressure. This problem can be common in the age group of 30 to 40, especially in people who have a family history of this problem, who wear glasses, use steroids, are diabetic or have had an eye injury. To avoid this danger, it is important to get regular eye checkups done.

3. Cataract
Cataract or clouding of the natural lens of the eye is a common problem that mainly occurs with aging, but its initial symptoms can also appear in the age group of 30 to 40. Symptoms may include blurred vision, trouble seeing at night, and trouble recognizing colors. Cataract grows slowly and sometimes people ignore the initial symptoms, due to which it can become more serious later.

eye care tips
It is very important to get regular eye checkups done, so that any problem can be identified in time.
Adopt a balanced diet and healthy routine, which includes green leafy vegetables and foods rich in vitamins A, C and E.
It is important to rest the eyes and stay away from the screen for long periods of time.
Wear safe sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun and protect your eyes when going outside.
Eye related problems can be common at the age of 30 to 40, but they can be prevented with timely treatment and regular care. By being aware of eye health, you can avoid future problems.

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