7 easy tips to take care of skin in winter, skin will become glowing

Who doesn't want their skin to be glowing and soft? Especially women adopt various measures for this, but as soon as the cold season arrives, the skin becomes stretched and dry. Skin problems become common for many people in winter, due to which they even consult a doctor. During this season, the skin on the lips, heels, and fingers starts cracking, and in some cases, problems like eczema and psoriasis also become serious. But have you ever wondered why this problem increases only in winter? Does this problem occur in summer also? Come, let us tell you about this.

Why do skin problems increase in cold?
A common reason for increasing skin problems in winter is cold air and dry weather. When the weather is cold and the air is dry, the moisture of the skin decreases, due to which the skin becomes dry. Due to this, problems like skin stretching and itching start occurring. In this season, people like to take bath with hot water, which can be harmful for the skin. Doctors say that lukewarm water is more beneficial for bathing.

Do not bathe with too hot water
Bathing with hot water reduces the moisture of our skin, due to which the skin can become dry and itchy. That is why it is better to take bath with lukewarm water. You should apply moisturizer to your body immediately after bathing.

Tips to take care of skin in winter
take a bath with lukewarm water
Apply moisturizer immediately after bathing
Use soap with light PH
Avoid applying oil on hair, if oil is applied then wash with good shampoo.
Avoid pollution, so that the skin does not get damaged
Take care of your diet, take diet rich in Vitamin E, C and Omega-3 fatty acids.
Get enough sleep, this keeps the body fit and healthy
Drink enough water in cold, so that the skin remains hydrated.
vitamins and diet
Include foods rich in vitamin E, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids, such as fruits, green vegetables, and fish, in your diet. These are helpful in keeping the skin healthy and glowing. Apart from this, it is important to drink enough water in winter. Keeping the body hydrated maintains the moisture of the skin.

With these easy tips, you can take good care of your skin in winter, and not only protect it from becoming dry and lifeless, but also make it healthy and glowing.

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