7 Vegetables that can increase uric acid levels: Foods to avoid for gout

New Delhi: High uric acid levels are a common problem these days. Uric acid is a metabolite (the body’s natural waste product) formed daily due to the constant breakdown of cells. Elevated levels of uric acid indicate that the body, particularly the kidneys, isn’t efficiently clearing uric acid. Thus, the goal is to optimise the body’s functioning to clear out uric acid.

Uric acid is produced in the body through the breakdown of purines. Purines are nitrogen-containing compounds found naturally in the body and in certain foods. Although almost all fruits and most vegetables are low in purine content, some vegetables are high in these substances. High uric acid levels can cause the formation of sharp uric acid crystals. These crystals can settle in the joints and cause gout, a type of arthritis that leads to severe pain. Let’s explore the vegetables that contain high levels of purines and can increase uric acid levels.

Vegetables that increase uric acid levels

Here’s a list of vegetables high in purines, which can lead to elevated uric acid levels:

1. Spinach

While spinach has many health benefits, it has high purine levels that get converted into uric acid once metabolised. So, its intake should be limited to avoid increased uric acid levels.

2. Tomatoes

Even though tomatoes have low purine content, they have been found to cause gout flares in people with high uric acid levels. They are associated with a high glutamate content, which can increase uric acid levels.

3. Broccoli and Cauliflower

These cruciferous vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals but have high purine levels that can raise uric acid levels in the blood.

4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain a moderate amount of purines, so their intake should be limited for gout patients.

5. Beetroot

Beetroots may not have a lot of purines, but they have high oxalate levels, which can increase uric acid levels in the blood. Thus, they should be consumed in moderation by gout patients.

6. Turnips

Like beetroot, turnips also have high oxalate levels. The higher the oxalate level, the higher the uric acid generated in the body.

7. Ladyfinger

Okra, also known as ladyfinger, is known to have high oxalate levels, which can boost uric acid levels.

Tips to lower uric acid

Normal uric acid levels are between 2-6 mg/dL for females and 3-7 mg/dL for males. The three main causes of high uric acid levels include smoking, alcohol consumption, and prolonged sitting. To help manage these levels, nutritionists recommend regular exercise, increasing water intake throughout the day, and ensuring you get adequate sleep at night. Making these lifestyle changes can significantly contribute to maintaining healthy uric acid levels and overall well-being.

If you want to reduce elevated uric acid levels, avoid these vegetables. It’s best to consult your doctor or a dietician for more details.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for general purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor for any health concerns. News9Live is not responsible for any actions taken based on this information.

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