Causes of depression and its prevention – LIVE HINDI KHABAR

Live Hindi News :- In today's time, at every step, we find people who are suffering from depression. Whatever be the reason, it is always necessary to have someone to take care of such a person. But in many cases, it has been seen that people start making fun of the people who are suffering from depression, which causes a deep impact on their mental state.

They are not able to recover from depression quickly and day by day they go deeper into depression. And this is the reason that today in our country the number of people committing suicide due to depression is increasing but the patient does not know about its last stage. You can guess from this that how common depression is, now a different name of depression has started appearing, depression is also known as a common illness.

If we talk about the symptoms of a person suffering from depression, then it is that he has a negative outlook towards everything and his sleep decreases day by day. Due to which the person becomes irritable and starts thinking that everyone's words are wrong and such a person has a habit of staying alone.

Prevention of depression

We have talked about the symptoms of depression, now we are going to tell you how to prevent a person from depression, so friends, first of all, if such a person likes to stay alone, then never leave him alone because in loneliness he always likes to see anything from a negative perspective and as soon as you come to know that a person is having trouble sleeping, then you must show him to a psychiatrist and get him medical treatment immediately. And at the same time, your effort should be to bring him forward in social programs and also boost his morale so that he will gradually start thinking positive and the disease of depression will start going away.

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