Know how helpful ginger is in relieving period pain

Live Hindi News :- Women have to face many problems during menstruation, out of which lower back pain is a common problem. To deal with this problem, many women use medicines while many adopt home remedies. Using home remedies is right but using medicines is not right. Many times it also causes side effects which lead to more problems.

effect of medicines

Use of medicines during periods has adverse effects. Many times medicines have a bad effect on women's health and reproductive organs. To deal with this problem, the more you use natural remedies, the better it is. But you should also have complete information about the use of these natural remedies. Their biggest advantage is that you can make natural medicines at home. For example, use of ginger is a better treatment for period pain.

Use of ginger

Relieve pain using ginger Boil 29 grams of ginger in a glass of water. When the water is reduced to half, filter it. Drink this filtered water twice a day, you can start it 15 days before the start of periods. Follow it for two months, you will definitely get relief. During periods, use a little more ginger than usual in tea and give it to the patient. This will help in relieving pain during periods.

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