Are you using too much sugar? If you are, then be careful

Live Hindi News :- This time in this article we will learn that excessive use of sugar can cause many harms and in this article we will tell you some remedies to avoid all these harms.

Sugar is also called white poison and it has many other names such as foodless food and refined sugar. Sugar is very harmful for our health. Excessive use of sugar first leads to diabetes and secondly obesity also increases and all these can lead to many serious diseases such as heart stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity and many other diseases. Friends, when sugar is made into refined sugar, it is purified using many chemicals and hence all its vitamins and minerals are destroyed. Sugar does not contain any beneficial element or we can say that nutrients are not found in sugar.

Apart from sugar, if you do not have diabetes, you can drink honey, good fruit juice and can also eat fruits. Out of these, if you ask and know, the most beneficial thing that we should use is honey. Honey is the juice of flowers. Honey is also beneficial for physical health, so use honey. Many diseases can increase due to sugar, so do not use sugar at all. People who have diabetes should use sugar-free food in their food. Apart from that, many things can be given to the diabetic patient.

You can eat soybean, chickpea and kidney beans which are considered very beneficial for diabetes patients. Not only this, walnuts and coconut milk and many other things which diabetes patients can eat. Keep in mind that milk should not be consumed. Often people think that diabetes patients can drink milk, but milk cannot be consumed. They can drink coconut milk.

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