Consuming green chillies will eradicate these 7 diseases from the root

Live Hindi News :- You must have consumed chillies, especially green chillies which we mostly use in the form of salad or pickle. Have you ever known the benefits of consuming green chillies? Yes friends, green chillies are like an Ayurvedic medicine, which protects our body from many diseases. Today we tell you how green chillies are beneficial for us.

Green chillies are rich in vitamin A, iron etc. Along with this, it is the main source of antioxidants, which helps our body to fight deadly diseases like cancer. Nowadays sugar has become a common disease. Sugar can be controlled by consuming green chillies. For this, you have to keep whole green chillies in a glass of lukewarm water at night and in the morning, take out that chilli on an empty stomach and drink the water, this helps you a lot in controlling sugar.

If a person is having difficulty in breathing i.e. is suffering from asthma, then by extracting one spoon of fresh green chilli juice and mixing one spoon of honey in it and consuming it on empty stomach, the patient gets relief in just 2 weeks. Green chillies are rich in protein and carbohydrates, hence if a man consumes green chillies, then his risk of getting prostate cancer is eliminated, because the risk of prostate cancer is highest in men.

Potassium and copper are also found in green chillies, so the consumption of green chillies improves our digestive system and increases our digestive power. One of the properties of green chillies is antibacterial, which protects a person from many types of bacterial infections. Consumption of green chillies eliminates the deficiency of iron in our body, because iron is also found in plenty in green chillies.

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