If the elderly eat 1 spoon of sugar, it will be amazing! Know other benefits of sugar

live hindi news (Health Corner) :- Elderly people often avoid eating sweets. Consume less sugar especially while drinking tea. Some people do not consume sugar due to diabetes, while others think that if they eat sugar, they will get diabetes. But for the elderly who have the problem of forgetfulness, who forget every small thing, eating sugar can be beneficial for them.

A research has revealed that for the elderly who suffer from weak memory, eating just 1 teaspoon of sugar can prove beneficial. Researchers say that by drinking water mixed with one spoon of sugar, the brain starts working harder than before. Along with this, memory also improves.

This research was done at the University of Warwick. According to the experts here, just one spoon of sugar improves the mood of people above 65 years of age and improves their memory capacity. Researchers say that the results of our study can be useful for those elderly people who are trying to improve the performance of their brain. This keeps the mind active.
Some elderly people were included in the research. The researchers gave these elderly people a glucose mixed drink. Then they were given a memory task to perform. The results of the study showed that people over 65 years of age who drank glucose drinks had better memory, better mood and their attention to perform memory tasks was also better than before.
There are benefits of eating sugar too
1. If you have depression, eat one spoon of sugar daily. Doctors also say that people who have depression should keep a chocolate with them, it improves their mood. The sweetness of sugar removes sadness.
2. Applying sugar on minor injuries is beneficial. Apart from this, sugar is also a very good scrub for the skin. It gently removes dead skin cells and makes it glow.
3. If you suffer from low blood pressure, keep sugar cubes with you. Eating this increases blood pressure. If you have the problem of black out (darkness before the eyes while walking), then sugar is helpful in this also.

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