Vitamin C is found in abundance in these things, consume it daily to increase immunity.

Latest News (Health Corner) :- To increase immunity, one should consume foods rich in Vitamin C. To increase immunity during the Corona period, people are consuming many types of things. You can also consume things rich in Vitamin C to increase immunity. Today, through this article, we will tell you about those things in which Vitamin C is found in large quantities. Consuming these things is very beneficial for health

Let us tell you about it

Vitamin C is found in large quantities in Amla. Consume Amla to strengthen the immune system. Consumption of Amla is very beneficial for health. You can consume Amla daily.


Orange should be consumed to increase immunity. A large amount of Vitamin C is found in orange. Orange also has a high amount of fiber which is helpful in keeping the body healthy.

Vitamin C Rich Foods That Can Boost Your Body's Immunity Level: Till the Corona period passes, make these citrus fruits your companions, they are rich in Vitamin C - Navbharat Times

made raw

Vitamin C is found in large quantities in raw banana. To overcome the deficiency of Vitamin C in the body, consume raw banana. Consuming raw banana daily strengthens the immune system.


Vitamin C is found in large quantities in grapes. To increase immunity during the Corona period, definitely include grapes in the diet. Consuming grapes daily is very beneficial for health. Consuming grapes can protect you from many diseases.

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