Avoid stale food and stress, otherwise your stomach will always remain upset.

Latest News (Health Corner) :- Acidity can occur due to many reasons like carelessness in eating habits and stress. Due to acidity, a person feels uncomfortable throughout the day, the body remains lethargic and does not feel like doing any work, so do not let it dominate you.

don't eat stale food
According to dietitian Lucy Daniels, former head of the British Dietetic Association, people who often like to eat out have more of this problem. Usually in restaurants, pasta, rice or potatoes are boiled and then heated and served to the customers again and again. If starchy foods are heated repeatedly, the structure of their molecules starts changing. In such a situation, when we eat them, gas is produced. Even at home, do not reheat stale food again and again and eat it.

Avoid stale food and stress, otherwise your stomach will always remain upset.

Stress is also the reason
Due to irregular bowel movements, the person's mood remains irritable throughout the day. At the same time, due to stress, irregularities in eating habits, constipation and disorders related to the digestive system start occurring.

changes in hormones
This also happens due to hormonal changes in women's body during menstruation. During this period, due to increase in the level of progesterone hormone in their body, the stomach starts bloating. In such a situation, the internal processes of the stomach also slow down.

Acupressure Point In Stomach For Gas Relief - Pressing this point of the body will not cause constipation, get treatment immediately. Patrika News

Antibiotic medicines taken in food poisoning destroy the good bacteria of the stomach. Such imbalance leads to fermentation (process of rotting) of food items in the stomach, which causes constipation. To avoid constipation, include fruits and green vegetables in your diet and drink enough water. Instead of fried and junk food, include green leafy vegetables and fruits in your diet.

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