Do you know what else potatoes are used for apart from eating, read now

Latest News (Health Corner) :- Potato should be used in case of injury. Many times the skin turns blue after an injury. In such a situation, applying ground raw potato is beneficial. Applying grinded raw potato on wrinkles is beneficial.

Potato should be used in case of skin allergy or other skin related diseases. Applying raw potato juice is also beneficial in skin related diseases. High blood pressure patients should eat potatoes. This keeps blood pressure normal.

Applying such potatoes on the skin increases beauty - natural beauty tips with potato rht - AajTak

Potato is very beneficial for facial complexion. Grinding potatoes and applying it on the skin improves beauty. By eating boiled or roasted potatoes, its nutrients are easily digested because it contains starch, potassium and Vitamin A and Vitamin D in sufficient quantities.

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