Protein deficiency can cause these serious diseases, consume these things

Latest News :- Due to lack of protein in the body, one may have to face many serious problems. Due to lack of protein the body becomes weak and weak. Due to protein deficiency, hair becomes weak, lifeless and dry, nails become thin and start breaking quickly, teeth get damaged quickly, bones become weak, muscles get strained, pain in joints, waist and knees occurs. Like many serious problems can occur. Therefore, it is always advised to consume as much protein as possible.

We get it from many things like meat, fish, milk, curd, cheese, egg, fruits, vegetables, sprouted pulses, sprouted grains etc. Nowadays, many protein supplements are also available in the market. But if you like to eat vegetarian food then you should consume only fruits, vegetables and sprouted pulses and grains. So let us know about some such things which when consumed provide abundant amount of protein. So let us know.

1. Rajma beans can be used in the diet instead of eggs. Abundant amount of protein is found in it. Mostly kidney beans are consumed as a vegetable, apart from this, kidney beans can also be sprouted and consumed.

2. High amount of protein is found in peanuts. Consuming a handful of peanuts every day removes protein deficiency in the body. Raw peanuts are high in protein. Eating it after soaking it can prove to be very beneficial for health.

3. Dry fruits like cashews, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts etc., along with being rich in protein, also contain elements like vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, fiber, omega 3 fatty acids etc. which are very beneficial for health. Prove to be beneficial.

4. Protein deficiency also gets cured by consuming quinoa. It contains many types of minerals like proteins, vitamins which prove to be very beneficial for health.

5. Dairy products like milk, curd, cheese, cream, buttermilk, butter contain rich amount of protein along with various types of minerals like fat, vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron etc.

6. All types of pulses contain abundant amount of protein. By consuming them, protein deficiency in the body gets resolved soon.

7. Soybean is the biggest and best source of protein, it contains abundant amount of protein. By eating soaked soybean daily, protein deficiency gets cured within a few days and one gets relief from various types of diseases.

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