These 5 mistakes of youth become dangerous for heart health, definitely bring changes in them.


Latest News:- The number of patients related to heart diseases is continuously increasing in the country and the world. It is not that this problem is arising only in old age, but the younger generation is also falling victim to it. In such a situation, it is very important to have correct information to maintain heart health. To spread this awareness, 29 September is celebrated as 'World Heart Day' every year. It has been observed that the mistakes made in your youth have adverse effects on your health later on. In this series, today we are going to tell you about those mistakes made by the youth which will prove to be dangerous for heart health.

sitting and reducing physical activity

You must have heard many times from your elders that sitting in youth becomes a problem in old age. This statement is also true in the context of health. People who spend more time sitting have a higher risk of heart-related diseases. Actually, sitting disturbs our blood circulation and the arteries start shrinking, which puts pressure on the heart. In a 2015 study published in Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers found that sitting for long periods of time could increase the risk of heart disease by 14 percent. Therefore, even if you have a desk job, try to participate in as much physical activity and cardio as possible in the remaining time.

Ignoring fruits and vegetables in diet

If you are a person who eats very little fruits and vegetables, then understand that you have invited many diseases. A 2014 meta-analysis found that eating just five servings of fruits and vegetables a day could reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by 20 percent. At the same time, people who have less fruits and vegetables in their diet easily catch diseases related to obesity and blood pressure, which trigger heart diseases.

poor oral care

You might be surprised to learn that your dental care is linked to your heart health. Yes, people who avoid flossing get periodontal diseases. People with gum disease have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular events. Periodontal disease increases inflammation in your body and markers of inflammation in your bloodstream, which becomes a leading cause of heart disease. So for the sake of your heart health, don't forget to brush and floss.

smoking and taking birth control pills

Smoking has always been harmful for heart health. In such a situation, you should give up your smoking habit. Whether it is about smoking cigarettes or inhaling cigarettes, it is harmful for heart health in every way. Due to this the risk of heart attack increases rapidly. At the same time, taking birth control pills by women also allows heart health to be compromised. Taking oral contraceptive pills can increase your blood pressure and even lead to obesity in many people. Therefore avoid taking contraceptive pills.

take more stress

There is often conflict among youth regarding job and career. But taking more stress than before can make you ill. Also it can cause problems related to high blood pressure and too much anger. Especially when you let it grow over time. In fact, high levels of cortisol from chronic stress can increase your risk of heart disease by increasing your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. In such a situation, you should learn about stress management. One should do yoga and try to keep the mind calm.


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