These things create poison in the body, you will become seriously ill.


Latest News :- Throughout the day we consume many things which give us energy and strength. But knowingly or unknowingly we consume many things which prove to be harmful for our health. There are some foods which, if not consumed properly, start harming the body. There are many foods which produce toxins in the body which can cause many types of diseases, so let us know about some such foods.

1. Consuming apples is very beneficial for health but consuming apple seeds can be harmful. An element called amygdalin is found in all seeds. If more than 200 apple seeds are eaten, these elements enter the body and release cyanide, which is a type of poison and can cause many types of problems in the body.

2. If honey is consumed immediately after consuming radish, it starts producing toxins in the body. This can cause problems ranging from indigestion to stomach ache and vomiting.

3. Consuming honey and ghee together in equal quantities produces toxins in the body. Which can be quite harmful for the body.

4. Cherries are as delicious to eat as they are beneficial, but consuming cherry seeds is harmful for health. It contains a kind of poison called hydrogen cyanide which blocks the functioning of the body.

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