Teenagers need such a diet – LIVE HINDI KHABAR


Latest News (Health Corner) :- To keep pace with the rapidly growing body, pressure of studies and career and busy life during adolescence, it is important to take care of some special things related to eating habits. ,

Nuts, Fats and Seeds
Well-known nutritionist Luke Coutino says that the diet of teenagers should be rich in fat. They believe that our brain is a fatty organ, hence ghee, dry fruits, seeds and healthy oils (olive oil, coconut oil and sesame oil) etc. should be included in the diet in balanced quantity. Flax seeds, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, sesame etc. are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Deficiency of iron in the body can lead to loss of interest in studies, fatigue and irritability. Iron plays an important role in brain development and keeping it healthy and releases important hormones like dopamine. Dopamine keeps the brain happy. Green leafy vegetables, turmeric, wheatgrass and Moringa are considered good sources of iron.

Special Diet For Teenagers To Maintain Health - Teenagers should eat this special diet to maintain good health. Patrika News

complex carbohydrates
Grains, fruits, sweet potatoes, beans etc. serve as the brain's first source of fuel in the form of glucose. Many studies have found that students who do not have breakfast in the morning face difficulty in concentrating in their class. This happens due to low energy level and brain fog.

Zinc plays a big role in maintaining communication between nerves and brain cells. Deficiency of zinc in the body has an adverse effect on intellectual ability and problem solving skills. For this, almonds, garlic, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and organic eggs should be consumed regularly.

iodine deficiency
Iodine deficiency in children can cause brain damage. Children whose mothers do not take adequate amounts of iodine during pregnancy have low intellectual ability. Therefore, it must be taken by pregnant women and children and teenagers. It is found in tomatoes, spinach, eggs, potatoes.

Teenagers need such a diet

This element is very important for the proper development of the brain. It is found in eggs, fish, avocado, spinach and probiotics.

Vitamin B
Vitamin B-9 and B12 keep nerve cells healthy. If there is deficiency of it in the body, supplements can be taken. It is found in abundance in non-vegetarian food.

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