Kerala officer found dead after farewell ceremony, accused of wrongdoing



Latest News :- Deputy collector Naveen Babu was found dead at his home in a north Kerala district, police said, a day after a farewell ceremony was held by his colleagues, including the collector. Police said: Naveen Babu was found hanging in his house on Tuesday, when he was on duty as the deputy collector of his native district Pathanamthitta. District Panchayat President PP Divya, who attended Babu's farewell ceremony without proper invitation, had accused the Deputy Collector of misconduct.

The panchayat president, who belongs to the ruling Marxist Communist Party, had criticized Deputy Collector Babu for the months-long delay in granting permission to set up a petrol station in Chengalai. Also, Divya, who accused Deputy Collector Babu of giving permission only two days after the transfer, said that she knows the reason for giving permission immediately. Divya made these allegations in the presence of the District Magistrate and Naveen Babu's colleagues. He also said that more information would be released in two days. After speaking, when Divya stopped till the memento was presented


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