Brazilian court: The parents named their son in such a way that the matter reached the court, what is that name after all? The parents named their son in such a way that the matter reached the court, what is that name after all?

A strange incident was witnessed in a Brazilian court. A black couple wanted to name their child “Pi” after the 25th great black king of Egypt (Nubia). However, the court refused to give the name, saying that the pronunciation of this name resembles the Portuguese word “Playa”, which means ballet dance-steps. The court also said that due to this the child will have to be a subject of jokes throughout his life.

wanted to name the child after the black king

It is being told that Catarina and Danilo Primola, residents of Minas Gerais, Brazil, wanted to name their child after the 25th black king of Egypt. Primola said that we got this idea during a theme song of the 2023 Rio de Janeiro Carnival. We read the story of Piye. He was a Nubian warrior. He conquered Egypt and attained the status of the first black pharaoh. We thought of naming our son after him. However, the judge withheld the decision to name the name after looking at the spelling and pronunciation of the name.

What did Primola say?

Regarding the case, Primola further said that Piye was the strongest warrior in the history of black people. We wanted to set an example by giving this name to our son. However, this could not happen. The court says that the child may have to face ridicule throughout his life due to the pronunciation of the name. Primola said, ‘This cannot stop bullying, but it can be stopped by removing the ignorance of the society.’

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