Ayodhya Mosque Trust is facing shortage of funds!

Vikram Mishra, Lucknow. The mosque trust to be built in Dhannipur, Ayodhya is going through a lot of financial crisis. In the last 4 years, according to the annual figures, only 1 crore rupees have been raised by the trust. After the historic decision of the Supreme Court on the Ram Janmabhoomi case, land was allotted for the mosque in Dhannipur, Ayodhya in lieu of Ram Janmabhoomi. There is a plan to run many other types of activities along with a mosque, hospital and community kitchen on it. The responsibility of which is being handled by the Indo-Islamic Cultural Foundation Trust itself. However, according to the trust, four committees that were already running have been dissolved due to financial crisis and lack of funds.

For the construction of Dhanipur Mosque in Ayodhya, the Sunni Central Waqf Board had formed a committee for the development of the mosque. Under which the arrangement of funds in different items and the review of the development work of the mosque was ensured to be done by this committee. But due to lack of funds, the Sunni Central Waqf Board has announced the dissolution of all the committees. While now vigorous efforts are being made to collect funds. IICF chief and Sunni Central Waqf Board chairman Zufar Farooqui said that this decision was taken in the IICF meeting held on 19 September.

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How far has the work been done in the mosque

Let us tell you that on 9 November 2019, the Constitution Bench of five judges of the Supreme Court had allotted five acres of land in Dhannipur village in Ram Janmabhoomi Ayodhya for the mosque. But the work has not been done as expected. Indo Islamic Cultural Trust Secretary Attar Hussain told Read.com that all the necessary documents related to the mosque were made available by the trust to the central government and other departments in March itself. While the necessary approvals for the construction of the mosque have also been completed on time. The committees that have been dissolved include the Administrative Committee, Finance Committee, Development Committee-Masjid Mohammad Bin Abdullah and Media and Publicity Committee.

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