Mixing these things with rice flour and applying it will brighten your face

Rice Flour Face Packs

Rice is rich in starch and fat, which nourishes the skin from within. It is also a good source of vitamin B.

Rice Flour Face Packs: Nowadays there are many types of face packs available in the market which are full of chemicals and impurities. Applying rice flour face pack removes your dead skin and makes your skin soft.

Rice flour is not only edible but can also be used in beauty routines for its countless benefits. Its natural properties help nourish the skin and keep it healthy. Rice flour will also help remove blemishes and make the face soft. Today we are going to tell you about some face packs made from rice flour which will enhance the complexion of the face.

Rice is rich in starch and fat, which nourishes the skin from within. It is also a good source of vitamin B which helps in the production of new cells. Rice flour is rich in many nutrients like vitamin B, E and minerals, these nutrients help in keeping the face healthy, removing accumulated impurities and keeping it healthy.

Rice flour is used in many other ways, you can also use it by mixing it with curd. If you have any allergy then do a patch test before applying the rice flour face pack and do not apply the rice face pack.

2 tsp rice flour 2 tsp honey Water You can also use rose water and glycerin in place of water as required.

(For more news apart from Rice Flour Face Packs: Applying these things mixed with rice flour will make your face glow, stay tuned to Read)

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