Bihar Pitru Paksha: What did the Pandit of Bihar say about Bageshwar Dham Baba? Said- such a big deal with the devotees

India News Bihar (India News) Bihar Pitru Paksha: During the Pitru Paksha Mela-2024, on September 26, Sarkar Pandit Dhirendra Shastri of the international religious city of Bageshwar Dham is coming to Gaya to offer Pind Daan for the ancestors of the devotees. At the same time, a Pandit from Aurangabad has given a great advice. This advice has been given to him by Pandit Kundan Pathak, who gives the first Pind to the Pinddaanis in Pitru Paksha on the banks of Adi Ganga Punpun near Jamhor in Aurangabad before Pind Daan in Gayaji.

According to the information, Pandit Dhirendra Shastri did come to Gayaji to offer Pind Daan for the ancestors of his devotees but did not forget the mythological rule of offering the first Pind in Punpun river. This mistake will prove costly for his devotees. If his devotees do not offer Pind for their ancestors in Punpun river, the entry point of Gaya Shraddha Tarpan, before offering Pind Daan for their ancestors in Gayaji, then the Pind Daan done by them for their ancestors in Gayaji will be useless. Their ancestors will not receive it and the ancestors will remain dissatisfied.

He said that Dhirendra Shastri should not let such a big tragedy happen to his devotees. Pandit Kundan Pathak said that he is saddened by the fact that all the priests of Gayaji know and believe very well that before performing Shraddha Tarpan in Gaya during Pitru Paksha, there is a mythological ritual of offering the first pind to the ancestors in Adi Ganga Punpun, which has been going on for centuries. Despite this, the priests of Gayaji make the Pinddaanis offer the first pind to their ancestors through a supplementary ritual in Godavari Sarovar instead of Punpun river. By offering the first pind to the ancestors through supplementary ritual in Gaya, the Gaya Shraddha remains defective and incomplete and the ancestors are unable to accept it and are not satisfied. Therefore, he has a humble request to Dhirendra Shastri that before coming to Gaya to offer Pinddaan to his ancestors, he must offer the first pind to the ancestors at any ghat of Punpun river.

Only after this, Shradh Tarpan should be performed in Gaya as per the rituals. He said that last year in 2023 also, Sarkar Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham had come to Gaya to offer Pinddaan for the ancestors of the devotees in Pitru Paksha. Last time also he had forgotten the responsibility and duty of completing the religious ritual of offering the first pind to the ancestors of the devotees in Adi Ganga Punpun. He is reminding him that this mistake should not happen this time because a mistake made repeatedly is unforgivable and even God does not forgive it. Therefore, he is requested not to repeat the mistake this time. Said that you are the flag bearer of Sanatan Dharma and Sanatani tradition. There are a lot of expectations from you. It is expected from you that undoubtedly you will maintain the mythological belief of offering the first pind to the ancestors by getting your devotees to offer pinddaan for the ancestors in Adi Ganga Punpun and will also work for its renovation.

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