Constipation can also be a warning sign of heart attack, do not ignore it… | News India – ..

Constipation problem- Very few people are aware of the fact that before a heart problem occurs, many types of symptoms start appearing in the body, by paying attention to which you can get timely treatment.

You may have heard about many symptoms of a heart attack, but did you know that constipation can also be a warning sign? Actually, constipation or inability to clear the stomach can also be a sign of poor heart health.

This should be avoided. A recent research report from Melbourne Monash University found that constipation can be a symptom of heart problems such as heart attack, stroke and heart failure.

What the research revealed
Study author and professor Francis Marks said that the study shows that although constipation is a common problem, it should not be ignored if it happens all the time. Because it can also be a sign of cardiovascular health problem.

A study published in the American Journal of Psychology says that people who complain of constipation have twice the risk of heart attack and cardiac arrest than others.

Actually, our health and gut health affects heart health. If the stomach health is not good and you do not exercise or your diet is not balanced then constipation can be a problem.

Chronic constipation can be harmful to the heart. Also, if you feel burning or pain in the chest, tightness in the chest, difficulty in breathing, swelling in the legs, ankles and soles, pain in the hands, waist, jaw and neck, then do not ignore these symptoms, as they can cause a heart attack. In such a situation, you should immediately seek medical help.

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