Arvind Kejriwal announced to hold Janta Darbar, will meet common people directly at Jantar Mantar.

National Convenor of Aam Aadmi Party Arvind Kejriwal has decided to appear in public for the first time after being released from jail and resigning from the post of Chief Minister. On Sunday Jantar Mantar But he his people's court We are going to organize this event. People from all over Delhi has been called so that Kejriwal can directly communicate with the public and clarify his position.

At the time of his resignation, Kejriwal had said that he to prove your honesty He will go among the people for this. He had promised that until the people of Delhi want him back as the Chief Minister, he will not take up this post again. This Janata Ki Adalat is the first step in this direction.

People's Court: Starting from Delhi

According to AAP party leaders, this court meeting at Jantar Mantar will be the first big public meeting of Arvind Kejriwal after his resignation. After this, Delhi's All assemblies Similar public courts will be set up in which Kejriwal himself will participate. This initiative Haryana Assembly Elections It will start after.

A precedent in political history

Talking to journalists, AAP leader Dilip Pandey said that after getting bail from the court, Arvind Kejriwal resigned from the post of Chief Minister. A precedent in Indian politics has presented its accountability Showing that he has written a new chapter.

Through this event, Aam Aadmi Party hopes to convey the message of support to the people of Delhi. Full Support He will get it and he will be back in politics once again New enthusiasm Will go down with.

Now everyone's eyes are fixed on this public court, where Kejriwal will directly answer Delhiites Will talk to him and know his opinion.

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