Revenue police arrested the accused of raping a teenager

The revenue police has arrested the accused of raping a teenager resident of the revenue area. The accused has been produced in the court and sent to jail in judicial custody. At the same time, the condition of the victim is out of danger.

According to the revenue police, the victim is a resident of a village in the tehsil area. On September 13, the girl's health deteriorated. On the 14th, her family brought her to a hospital in the headquarters. When the tests were done, it was found that the six-month-old baby in the womb had died.

After this, on being questioned, the victim told the entire incident to her family. She alleged that a 20-year-old youth living in the neighbourhood raped her. Due to fear of the accused, she could not complain about it to her family. During this time, she became pregnant. Due to fear of society, she consumed medicine.

Due to this, his health deteriorated. The family members complained about the matter to the revenue police. The revenue police registered a case against the accused under relevant sections and started searching for the accused. On Friday, the accused was arrested from near his house.

The accused of raping the teenager has been arrested. The accused has been produced in the court and sent to jail in judicial custody. The condition of the victim is fine at present.

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