Effective drinks for diabetes patients – Obnews

It is very important for diabetes patients to choose the right beverage. Some beverages help in controlling blood sugar, while some can increase it. Let us know which beverages are beneficial for diabetes patients and which are harmful.

Beneficial beverages for diabetes patients

  • Water: Water is the best and healthy drink. It keeps the body hydrated and helps in keeping the kidneys healthy.
  • Green Tea: Green tea contains antioxidants that help control blood sugar.
  • Coffee: Unsweetened black coffee doesn't raise blood sugar and some studies suggest it may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Fruit juices: Fresh fruit juices contain vitamins and minerals, but they also contain sugar, so they should be consumed in limited quantities.
  • Vegetable juices: Vegetable juices contain fiber, which allows blood sugar to rise slowly.
  • Milk: Unsweetened milk is a good source of calcium.

Beverages harmful for diabetes patients

  • Sugary drinks: Soft drinks, juices (packaged), energy drinks, and sweetened tea or coffee contain a lot of sugar which causes a rapid increase in blood sugar.
  • alcohol: Alcohol can damage the liver and affect blood sugar levels.
  • Fruit Juices (Packed): Packaged fruit juices often contain too much sugar and less fibre.

Things to keep in mind while choosing beverages for diabetes patients

  • Amount of sugar: Check the amount of sugar in beverages.
  • Calories: Check the calorie content of beverages.
  • Fiber: Choose fiber-rich beverages.
  • Taste: You can use lemon, mint or cinnamon to enhance the taste.

Please note:

  • Diabetic patients should consume any beverage only after consulting their doctor or dietician.
  • Different beverages may be suitable for each person.

Disclaimer: This information is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as any medical advice. Always consult your doctor for any health problem.

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