Have children, get free car, house and interest free loan, this system is applicable in this country, know…

New Delhi:- Increasing population remains a big challenge for many countries around the world including India. Many schemes for family planning are being run by the government. Crores of rupees are being spent on this every year.

Due to increasing population

There are many problems including unemployment. Hungary is a country under the European Union, where the government gives incentives worth lakhs of rupees per child to increase the population. Keep producing children and get a house, car and other facilities for free in installments.

According to the report of DW Hindi, the Hungarian government is increasing the population under a long-term policy to meet the number of workers in the country, so that the number of immigrants in the country can be reduced and the chaos caused by migration can be curbed.
According to the report, on the birth of the first child, the government gives a loan of more than 23 lakh rupees, that too interest free, on the birth of the first child. On the birth of the second child, the loan amount is waived up to 30 percent so that you can make a new purchase. Not only this, an amount of Rs 23 lakh is again given for buying a house on the third child. On the death of the fourth child, the mother is given the gift of lifetime income tax free.
The recent decline in fertility rate
Hungary's plan is decades old. After the implementation of the plan, Hungary's fertility rate saw a good increase. But once again a decline is being seen. Experts say that Hungary is an example of the fact that people cannot be encouraged to have children just by giving money. The government focused only on economic benefits to increase the population, while the upbringing of the child and other circumstances were not taken into consideration.

Emphasis on increasing population in America too.

JD Vance, the vice presidential candidate from the Republican Party in America, is in favor of implementing Hungary's policy to increase the population in America. He considers this policy a better option to solve the problem of immigrants in America.

The birth rate is better in the European country France. Parents can send their children to a day care center within a year. The advantage of this is that there is not much pressure on the parents. Mothers can return to their jobs shortly after the birth of their children. This does not affect their careers either. France has been working on this at many levels for a long time.

On the other hand, low population is expected to have a serious impact on developed or industrialized countries. It is believed that low population means low production. Low production means the pace of development is likely to slow down.

Hungary at a glance


Area- 93012 sq. km

Population: 9584627


Language- Hungarian

Member of the European Union – since 1 May 2004

Currency- Hungarian Forint

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