US China Trade Dispute: America gave a big blow to China, many companies are going to close their business, know what will be the benefit to India from this?

US China Trade Dispute: Due to the increasing tension between the US and China and the changing business environment in China, 50 American companies are preparing to close their business there. The total investment of these companies is Rs 12 lakh crore. Out of these, 15 want to invest in India. This claim has been made in the report of 306 companies of the American Chamber of Commerce (ACK).

According to this report, India is now becoming the first choice of investors, surpassing Mexico, America and Europe. Last year India was at the 5th place for investment, while this year it has reached the second place.

South East Asia is at number one. Let us tell you that Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia still remain the choice of investors. China is losing the priority of investors.

Management consulting companies are giving priority to India

India is a growing priority for management companies. Last year, 40% of US companies that were earlier planning to invest in China are now considering investing in India.

Especially in the management consulting sector, 54% of the companies have changed the direction of their investment and turned towards India. Apart from this, the garment and manufacturing sectors have also expressed their preference for investing in India.

Most of the 306 American companies included in the ACK report believed that a favorable environment is being created for investment in India. India's large market is also encouraging them.

Companies are not liking China's strict policies. After Corona, there have been many big changes in the investment environment in China, which foreign companies are not liking.

The Xi Jinping government has changed policies to deal with challenges such as unemployment and population, but these changes have shaken investor confidence. The unemployment rate among 16 to 24 year olds in China has reached 21.3 percent, which is the highest in 3 decades.

Along with this, the population of the country has also become a big problem, which has affected the production capacity. Amidst these economic and social challenges, questions are also being raised on the economic stability of China.

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