The theft of equipment that came to CHC Tulsipur during the tenure of former superintendent Dr. Sumant Singh has not been revealed yet

Balrampur- While the government makes all kinds of claims about health services and talks about the safety and standards of the health department, the state of corruption in the department is such that it is being said that all the medical equipment received by the department are being given for the convenience of patients. Let us tell you that the matter is related to the Tulsipur Community Health Center of Balrampur district, where about a year ago, the department provided money for the purchase of health equipment worth lakhs of rupees and there was talk of improving health services in the CHC by making the purchase.

But after the photo shoot of the items, all the items go missing. While talking about security, cameras have been installed in CHC Tulsipur from the hospital premises to all the wards. Even after that, the disappearance of the equipment in this manner is raising a big question in itself. It is being seen that the equipment installed during the tenure of Superintendent Sumant Singh Chauhan is being found even after being removed and sent away by his colleagues in connivance with him.

At the same time, sources are also coming forward about the purchase of laptops by the department, in which a big game is being played regarding the purchase of laptops and its payment. Sources say that the bill used in the purchase of laptops is fake and the department has been satisfied by showing its payment by taking a photo shoot. It is coming forward that the work of the department is being done with old laptops, when the news is published about this, CMO Mukesh Rastogi assures to form a team for the theft in the department and investigate the matter.

But almost a week has passed since the incident but the department is only giving assurances in the name of investigation and action. Whereas the fact that such a case has not been disclosed till now is raising a big question in itself. If we talk about the department's claim, then it is also being learnt from sources that some officials of the Health Department Balrampur are also seen to be involved in this, due to which the case is not being disclosed till now.

And in such a case, it is coming to the fore that a cover-up is being done. If we talk about hospital security, then despite so much security, the theft of goods worth lakhs from CHC Tulsipur is a big question in itself. At the same time, big questions are being raised on the responsibility of the store in-charge. While action is taken on the theft of a mobile, why administrative action has not been taken till now on the theft of such goods and why has the case not been reported till now? Due to which it seems that even the high officials of the department are trapped in the quagmire of departmental corruption, due to which the culprits are being saved by putting the case on the back burner.

If we talk about the hospital staff, then such work has been done with their tacit approval. Dr. Sumant Singh Chauhan and his followers have an important role in this. If an impartial investigation is done by the department, then the secrets of theft will be revealed. But here it is coming to light that the responsible people are protecting themselves and their departmental officers by not taking action in such cases.

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