Health talk: Fever is breaking the body…..throat pain is also bothering, patients are increasing continuously; know doctor's advice

Etah : In Etah, Uttar Pradesh, the number of fever patients is increasing rapidly due to the changing weather. This fever is not only breaking the body, but complaints of sore throat are also increasing. More than 300 patients have come to the OPD of the medical college with fever in the last two days. Doctors are calling it a viral infection.

The weather is changing rapidly. Sometimes it rains all day and sometimes it is sunny all day. Sometimes it gets cold and sometimes it feels hot. In such a situation, the body temperature of people has also gone haywire. Doctor Madhavendra Pratap said that this is having a direct impact on the immunity of people.

Not only the youth are getting affected by this virus infection, but also children and the elderly. Everyone is suffering from this fever. Even after taking medicine, this fever is not coming down. This fever takes at least 8 to 10 days to go away. Not only the OPD of the medical college is filled with such patients. But the number of patients suffering from fever is also increasing in the community and primary health centers of the district.

do this protection
1. Avoid getting wet in the rain.
2. Do not consume the substance on cold.
3. Do not take any medicine without doctor's advice.
4. Eat home-made foods.
5. Drink lukewarm water.
6. If you have a sore throat, gargle with lukewarm water.

With the change in weather, the number of patients suffering from fever and body ache is increasing. One should be cautious about health in this season. Cold food and drinks should not be consumed. In case of fever, one should immediately consult the nearest health center. -Dr. Suresh Chandra, CMS Medical College

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