How are asteroids formed, where do they come from and how do they become a threat to the Earth, know…

Asteroids are gradually becoming a threat to the Earth. It is said that if an asteroid collides with the Earth, it will cause devastation in the whole world. Recently, information has come to light that an asteroid named Apophis is moving towards the Earth. NASA has also issued a warning regarding this. In such a situation, a question arises, where do these asteroids come from and how do they become a threat to the Earth? Whenever we think about space, the first thing that comes to our mind is the solar system, in which nine planets are seen revolving around the sun. But not only planets, but many planets and their pieces also keep revolving around it. These pieces are in a way the remaining debris of the solar system.

How to form an asteroidAbout four and a half billion years ago, the solar system consisted of nothing more than a swirling cloud of gas and dust. When that cloud collapsed, it is believed that it broke into many large pieces due to the shock wave coming from an exploded star. After this, the gravitational force of the planets pulled the surrounding pieces towards itself. 99 percent of the debris cloud became part of a large nuclear reactor. The remaining one percent started revolving in orbits. But not all the revolving pieces were so big that they could be given the status of planets. Therefore, some of the remaining small pieces were called asteroids.

According to NASA, an asteroid is a rocky rock orbiting the sun. It is small in terms of the solar system, but it is quite big for the Earth. It keeps revolving around the planets. 99 percent of the debris cloud became a part of a large nuclear reactor. Those large pieces or debris keep revolving around the planets and the sun since then. It is said that this entire incident happened so fast that hydrogen atoms merged into helium. This is how an asteroid is formed.

Now we will know how these asteroids are becoming a threat to the earth. Why asteroids have become a threat to the earth? For the last several years, there has been some news about asteroids that they can collide with the earth, in such a situation, the danger to life on earth gradually increases, because their size is not like a brick or stone but is equal to one or two states, from this it can be guessed why these asteroids are becoming such a big threat to the earth. Asteroids may be a threat to the earth, but human life living on earth has progressed so much that it can compete with any asteroid. Regarding this also, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration i.e. NASA has a plan ready to protect the earth from asteroids and comets.

In the last few months, NASA has created a new Planetary Defense Strategy and Action Plan. Regarding this, Planetary Defense Officer Lindley Johnson said that NASA has enough technology to completely prevent asteroid destruction on Earth. He further said that this strategy of NASA has strengthened NASA's intentions for the next 10 years. NASA released the Planetary Defense Strategy and Action Plan on April 18 last year.

What is the name of the world's largest asteroid? According to NASA's new calculations, there are more than one million asteroids around the Sun. Many have a diameter of less than 10 meters. However, some asteroids are very large too. If estimated, the largest asteroid is almost twice the area of ​​​​the country of California. Ceres was previously the largest asteroid. Its diameter is about one-third of the moon, but in 2006 it was considered as a dwarf planet. Most asteroids are found in a main asteroid belt, which revolves around the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. However, they do not always remain in a regular orbit. Sometimes, due to the effect of Jupiter's considerable gravitational force, with the possibility of always existing, sometimes these asteroids go out of orbit. Sometimes these asteroids also collide with some planets. Many times they have also collided with the Earth

. It is believed that the most dangerous asteroid ever hit a peninsula named Yucatan. This caused such devastation that dinosaurs and animals were wiped out. It is said that along with this, three-fourths of the species here also got destroyed.

Why is World Asteroid Day celebrated? There is a river named Tunguska in Siberia. A very big explosion took place in it on June 30, 1908. This came to be known as the Tunguska effect. According to reports, this asteroid was so dangerous that it destroyed 80 million trees and plants spread over an area of ​​​​about two thousand km.

World Asteroid Day is celebrated every year on 30 June in memory of this incident that happened around the Tunguska River in Siberia. Through this, an attempt is made to increase awareness of people by giving them information about the dangers of asteroids. How was asteroid discovered? Asteroids were first discovered in 1801 by astronomer Guiseppe Piazzi. It is said to be the largest asteroid discovered till date. Many people also call asteroids meteorites, although this is not so. Asteroids survive even after falling on the earth after orbiting the sun. On the other hand, meteorites burn before hitting the earth.

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