Mysterious Noises Coming From Mariana Trench for a Decade Finally Explained

Strange underwater noises, known as “biotwang” sounds, have puzzled scientists since they were first detected near the Mariana Trench in 2014. These sounds, described as a mix of low grumbling and high-pitched metallic ringing, resemble eerie noises from science fiction. For years, the origin of these sounds remained unknown, though many suspected they were linked to marine life. A recent study has now confirmed that Bryde's whales (Balaenoptera edeni) are the source of these unusual sounds, which researchers believe the whales may use to communicate across the ocean.

Biotwang Discovery and Analysis

The biotwang noises were first recorded by underwater gliders during an acoustic survey of the Mariana Trench, as detailed in a study published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science. Initially, scientists had difficulty identifying the source of the sounds. By 2016, researchers speculated that large baleen whalessuch as blue or humpback whales, might be responsible, but there was no concrete proof.

It wasn’t until 2023 that the origin was definitively traced to Bryde’s whales, thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI). AI tools analyzed over 200,000 hours of recordingswhich helped researchers identify the biotwang calls as coming from these whales.

Tracking Bryde’s Whales

The study, led by Ann Allenan oceanographer at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)found that the biotwang sounds matched the migration patterns of Bryde’s whalesconfirming their connection. Researchers observed these whales in the region and recorded them making the noises, further validating the link.

Interestingly, the biotwang sounds were only detected in the northwest Pacificsuggesting that this type of call might be unique to a specific population of Bryde’s whales. While the exact purpose of the calls remains uncertain, scientists believe they could serve as a form of long-distance communication between whales.

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