Apply this thing once a year, pimples, acne and rashes will never appear on your face and your friends will be surprised to see this

Live Hindi News :- In today's time, many people get troubled by the problem of pimples and acne on the face. Due to which their beauty gets spoiled but friends, if your face is clean then your beauty increases. So today I have brought a recipe for you, by using which you will never have pimples, acne and acne on your face, so let's know.

Get rid of pimples and rashes by using this remedy-

  • The remedy I am going to tell you about is a sandalwood remedy. To make this remedy, you will need sandalwood and rose water and both of these things have many properties that clean the dirt from the face and remove the problem of pimples and acne.

Method of use-

  • To make this recipe, mix sandalwood powder and rose water well and prepare a paste. Apply this paste on your face and when the paste dries, wash it with clean water. By using this paste, your face will become clean. And pimples and rashes will be eliminated from the face from the root.

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