These six mistakes should not be made while following the keto diet: Mistakes Made Keto Diet

Mistakes Made Keto Diet: In today's time, people follow different types of diets to keep themselves fit and healthy. When you take extra care of your food, it helps you in achieving your health goals. There are many diets which are currently trending all over the world. One of these is the Keto diet. This is a high fat low carb diet, which is considered very good for weight loss. With this diet, your body goes into ketosis, due to which weight loss begins.

Keto diet is considered very good not only for weight loss but also for improving metabolic health. Following this diet also improves insulin sensitivity in the long run. However, it is often seen that when people follow the keto diet, they make some small mistakes during that time, due to which they do not get much benefit or do not get the desired results. So today in this article we are telling you about some small mistakes made while following the keto diet, which you should avoid-

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Mistakes Made Keto Diet
Mistakes Made Keto Diet-Carbohydrates

Keto diet is a low carb diet. In this, you have to take your carb intake very low, usually about 20-50 grams of carbs intake per day is sufficient. But often people do not pay attention to their carb intake, due to which their body is unable to go into ketosis or it is unable to stay in ketosis. Ketosis is a state where the body burns fat for energy. You may include sauces or dressings etc. in your diet, which increases your carb intake. Therefore, if you are following the keto diet, then you must track your carb intake.

Usually people do not consume enough fat while following the keto diet. They reduce their carbs, but at the same time they also start taking less fat, which makes your diet unbalanced. This causes you to suffer losses instead of benefits. You should note that the primary source of energy in the keto diet is fat. Therefore, when you do not take enough fat as per the body's requirement, then you may experience fatigue, lack of energy and increased craving for carbs.

Protein is consumed in moderate amounts while on the keto diet. But some people believe that since carbs are restricted in their diet, increasing protein will give them energy. However, consuming too much protein can convert it into glucose through gluconeogenesis. Doing so can take the body out of ketosis, which can cause problems in burning fat and make it a very difficult task for you to lose weight.

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It is often seen that people follow the keto diet, but they leave it after some time. This happens because they do not bring variety in their diet. You may limit yourself to only some food items like keto friendly options like cheese, bacon and eggs. This can lead to lack of nutrients in your body and cravings for non-keto food items. Therefore, if you want to follow the keto diet for a long time, then bring variety in your food and include meat, fish, nuts, seeds, low-carb vegetables and healthy fats apart from cheese, bacon and eggs.

make haste
make haste
make haste

Many times people follow the keto diet and expect results in a short time. But when they do not lose weight immediately or do not feel any change in their body and energy levels, they get disappointed and give up on it. If you are also following the keto diet for weight loss, then you should understand that it may take several weeks for the body to fully adapt to burning fat for energy. Therefore, you should be patient. Initially you may feel tired or have less energy in the body, but even then you should not get discouraged and continue following the diet.

This is a common mistake made while following the keto diet. When you follow the keto diet, water loss increases due to reduced glycogen storage. But many people do not pay attention to their water intake, which can cause them health problems. Lack of water in the body can increase symptoms of fatigue, dizziness and “keto flu”. This can make it very difficult for you to concentrate on your work or stick to the keto diet.

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