How much fine will be imposed if you board a train without a ticket in an emergency? Know what the Indian Railway rules say

Utility News Desk !!! Many times, when you do not get a ticket in the train or when you are travelling in an emergency, the TTE catches you, in such a case he is not able to charge the amount as per his wish. India is one of the countries in the world which has the largest railway network. You can use the train to travel from one corner to another.

This is the reason why millions of people travel by train every day, this travel is very easy and economical too. Sometimes while booking a train ticket, you get a long waiting list, while on some occasions you are not able to get a ticket. Overall.

If for some reason you have to travel in an emergency, you can board the train without a ticket. However, you should avoid doing this. If you are also stuck in such a situation, then you do not need to panic, the TTE will not be able to charge you a fine of thousands of rupees.

Often people do not know how much fine is charged for traveling without a ticket, in such a situation, many times the TTE asks for more money. You should know this rule that the TTE will take the full journey ticket and Rs 250 from you. Charge a fine of Rs. Fine cannot be demanded arbitrarily.

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