Amazon, a company working with Facebook, confirms that your phone is listening to you

Live Hindi News :- A popular marketing firm that works with Facebook and Amazon has admitted that our smartphone is listening to our conversations. When we use social networking sites, if we suddenly clicked on an ad, we have noticed that it keeps bringing ads about it. Take it a step further and after talking on the phone or in person about buying a product, you may also notice that they receive related ads. For example, if you were talking about buying a TV or renting a house, then in the next few minutes ads related to the products you were talking about will keep appearing on your timeline.

What was just speculation for many years has now become a reality. Cox Media Group, a leading company in TV and radio news, said during a discussion with its investors that our smartphones will observe our conversations through the microphone and respond accordingly using artificial intelligence through software called active listening technology. The company has been working with companies like Facebook, Amazon and Google for years.

This technology plays a vital role in collecting our voice data and sending it to advertising agencies to deliver targeted advertisements to clients. The AI-powered software is said to collect voice data from over 470 sources. This particularly applies not only when we talk on the phone but also when we talk in person.

This information has now been revealed by a media called 404 Media. Last December, Cox Media Group had exposed the company on its podcast, and now it has revealed its spying technology. The issue has created a stir on social media as Amazon and Facebook are directly linked to the company. It is also being said that both the companies have decided to investigate the matter. On the other hand, Amazon has said that it has nothing to do with the wiretapping issue and has no plans to work with Cox Media.

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