What precautions should be taken after cesarean delivery, know from the expert…

New Delhi:- Nowadays, cesarean delivery has become common. Some women are inclined towards C-section delivery due to not being able to bear the pain of normal delivery or due to other diseases. At the same time, some women feel that it takes a lot of time to recover after cesarean, and there is also a possibility of getting many diseases in this process. But experts say that if the mother who gives birth to a child through C-section takes some precautions after delivery, then she can get quick relief from the pain of cesarean.

What is a C-section

A C-section, also called a cesarean section or cesarean delivery, is a surgical procedure in which your baby is born through incisions in your abdomen and uterus. They're done when vaginal delivery isn't possible or safe, or when you or your baby's health is at risk.

nothing is better than comfort

Experts say that the more rest the mother takes after a cesarean, the faster she can recover. This helps the stitches heal quickly without putting pressure on them! But most of the time of new mothers is spent with the child. Such as feeding them, changing their diapers or clothes, putting them to sleep, doing household chores while sleeping. In such a situation, where is the time to sleep? This increases their mental stress. This is not good for both babies and mothers. Therefore, to overcome insomnia and stress in the early days of motherhood, experts recommend that mothers should leave other work and sleep when the child sleeps. By taking a long rest at such a time, you can avoid the problem of lower back pain in the long run.
Breastfeeding is necessary.

Experts say that the process of breastfeeding is very beneficial for new mothers. Breastfeeding is very beneficial for babies because after delivery, weight is reduced, stitches disappear quickly, beauty is restored and early pregnancy can be avoided again.

But experts say that the posture in which mothers sit while breastfeeding is also important here. As a part of this, the baby should be breastfed while sitting straight without leaning forward or backward. By doing this you can avoid navel pain caused by cesarean section in the long run. To keep yourself and your baby comfortable, you can also use a feeding pillow as advised by experts.

Nutritional needs

After a cesarean section, many households have rules like don't eat this, don't drink that. But doctors say that breastfeeding mothers do not need any special diet. It is advisable to take the same diet as during pregnancy and even after giving birth to the child so that you can recover quickly from the pain of cesarean section. Apart from this, it is important to make greens, garlic, chicken eggs, milk, dairy products, meat, oatmeal, fennel etc. a part of the daily diet to increase milk production.

It is better for mothers to drink two to three litres of water a day for milk production to compensate for the water levels lost in the body due to cesarean section.

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