You urinate more than 8 times a day, these 6 diseases are hovering around you, you may need to go to the hospital at any time…

New Delhi:- Frequent urination is a major symptom of diabetes. When the sugar level in the body increases too much, it leads to frequent urination. Ignoring it for a long time can lead to kidney damage.

Urinary tract infection can also be a common cause of frequent urination. Other symptoms of UTI can include burning sensation while urinating, pain and blood in urine. If you are experiencing these symptoms along with frequent urination problems, then immediately consult a doctor.

Prostate related problems

In men, frequent urination can be a sign of prostate problems. Enlargement of the prostate or prostatitis can affect the frequency of urination.

Kidney Infection

Kidney problems can also cause frequent urination. Kidney infection, stones, or other kidney diseases can cause frequent urination.


Hormonal imbalances, such as a hyperactive thyroid gland, can also cause frequent urination. Hormonal imbalances can affect the way the body regulates fluids, leading to frequent urination.

Heart Problems

Some heart diseases, such as heart failure, cause more fluid to accumulate in the body. This leads to the need to urinate frequently. This can cause frequent urination, especially at night.

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