Skin care: Lentil face pack will bring back the lost glow of your face | News India – ..

Eating pulses is considered very beneficial for health. All types of beans contain many nutrients including protein which are considered beneficial for the body. Pulses help in promoting health as well as flawless and glowing skin. Many skin related problems can be cured by using lentil face packs. You can easily prepare this pack at home.

Lentil and Aloe Vera Lemon Face Pack

Lentil and aloe vera lemon face pack can be used in skin care. For this, take four spoons of red lentils and soak it overnight. Then grind it the next morning. – Now add aloe vera gel and one spoon lemon juice to it and mix it well. Now apply this pack on the face and neck and leave it for 15 minutes. Then after 15 minutes, wash the face with water and clean it.

Lentil and honey face pack

You can use a face pack made of lentils and honey to bring glow on your face. For this, soak half a cup of lentils overnight. Then get up the next morning and grind it. Now add 1 teaspoon honey to it. After this, apply it on the face and neck and leave it for 20 to 25 minutes. Then massage with light hands and then wash it with water.

Lentils, milk and almond face pack

If you are troubled by pimples and blemishes, then you can apply a face pack made of lentils, milk and almonds. For this, first add four almonds and half a cup of milk to the lentils. After this, grind all of them and prepare a paste. Now apply this paste on the neck and face and massage for 5 minutes and then leave it on the face for 20 to 25 minutes. This will bring glow on the face in a few days.

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